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Independent Financial Advice - Words of Wisdom and Guidance

Financial Life Planner on a mission to marry your meaning with your money.

Apr 19, 2021

In this episode Emma Crossick talks to Alan Moran about how necessary funeral planning is and why it's important for you to plan yours.

She also talks about how the FCA has at long last decided to regulate funeral planning, although Interface Financial Planning is ahead of the game because they are already authorised...

Apr 16, 2021

In this guide Orry Henderson looks at how the 2015 changes to pension rules in the UK affect your pension options.

He also talks about what the rule changes are and the key points surrounding them.

Apr 9, 2021

In this guide Orry Henderson talks about the comparison between an annuity pension and a drawdown option.

The guide also looks at the advantages and disadvantages of both and how a balance of both maybe the best option for your retirement.

Apr 5, 2021

In this episode Emma Crossick talks to Alan Moran about how working from home through the pandemic has had some major advantages for his buisness.

She also discusses how virtual meetings have cut down on the need to travel and made for a more productive...

Apr 2, 2021

In this episode Orry Henderson looks at the choices investors face when asset prices fall.

Is it best to sell now to stop further losses or is it more prudent to hold on to see what will happen in the future?